56th annual
August 2nd-4th
Tournament HQ
Deland Park, Sheboygan WI
Amateur & Professional Rules 2024
Super-Derby Tournament Regulations
This Tournament has 2 categories Amateur Division & Professional Division
Tickets must be purchased before 6:00pm on Friday August 2nd.
All boats entered must launch out of Sheboygan Marina or River.
All contestants on the boat must be holding a valid Regular Derby tournament ticket. (Boats with any persons without this ticket may be disqualified)
All Boats must have at least 1 person attend the captains meeting at 6:00pm at Deland Park. (10lbs will be deducted from the teams total weight if no one shows up)
This is a 2 day Tournament that will combine both days catches to obtain 1 (one) total eight for each registered boat. (August 3rd & 4th)
Each boat is allowed to run a maximum of 9 lines and will register the 5 largest fish for an overall total weight for that day.
Each boat will be allowed to catch up to a 4 man limit but only weigh the top 5 largest fish.
A minimum requirement of 18 inches per fish is required to register a fish.
Registration fee is $250 per boat for Amateur Division and $1,000 for Professional Division.
The contest begins at 5:00am-1:00pm On Saturday and Sunday.
The following regulations are the same as the Regular Tournament: Derby Headquarters-License-Boundaries-Size.
Prizes will be awarded by total combined weight for both days. Ties will be decided by the earliest time of registration on the 2nd day of the tournament. The remaining contestant will be moved down to the next positions.
All winners may be polygraphed to enforce derby rules.
Liability Exclusion and Protest are located on Regular tournament rules.
The start line will be within 1/8 mile outside of the Sheboygan Marina North and South pier heads. Lines cannot be in the water until 5:00am
A derby official may be present on the north or south pier, if an official is located by one of these 2 locations it will be required that a contestant from each boat shows their boat’s assigned number to the official. (Each boat will receive this on Friday during the captains meeting)
Each boat will be required to pass the finish line no later than 1:00pm (finish line is in-between the Sheboygan North and South Pier). A Derby official will be located on the North or South Pier from 12:40pm-1:20pm to enforce this. (Any boat passing the finish line past 1:00pm will be disqualified for that day).
If the tournament is deemed not fishable for the morning trip and weather looks better as the morning progresses both divisions will start fishing at a later start time for 4-8 hours depending on tournament officials ruling.
The tournament will be deemed completed and official as long as long as a minimum of 4(four) hours are fished between the 2(two) days.
Fish Registration Rules
It will be expected that every boat entering the harbor will have the 5 biggest fish picked out and ready to be presented to a tournament official.
There will be 3 tournament officials waiting to tag your 5 biggest fish. Locations will be Sheboygan Marina, River docks in front of anglers avenue, The docks in front of The-Wharf.
You must have your 5 fish tagged at one of these locations before proceeding to the weigh in location!!! This is to prevent boats from attempting to swap fish into coolers before reaching the scales.
Amateur and Professional Division will have there own scale location at Deland Park. (Must register the 5 fish that have been tagged by a tournament official)